
You just built your dream home. We’re sure you would have spent a lot of time carefully picking out what you want, right from the door frame to the accent colour on the walls. Your hard work pays off and you find yourself in the most aesthetic living room you have ever been in. But pretty soon, you start noticing cracks on the wall and the paint starts peeling off. Sounds like a nightmare, doesn’t it? If you’re worried about having such an experience and want to ensure that you do not want to face this problem in your home, then you need to use damp proof paint while painting your home. It helps protect your home from one of the most common problems – water damage. What more? It also helps to reduce heat and improves the look of your home. Sounds great, doesn’t it? So let’s find out how to apply damp proof paint to your walls and roof to keep your home protected from any sort of water damage.

How to apply damp proof paint?

While applying damp proof paint, it is important to follow the right steps to ensure that the paint is properly applied to the surface. Here’s an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide on how to apply damp proof paint.

Step 1: Preparing the Surface

The first step in applying damp proof paint is to prepare the surface for application. Use a scraper or wire brush and thoroughly clean the surface to remove any dirt, debris and flaky paint. When you are done, the surface should be smooth and dry and completely free of any dirt.

Step 2: Choosing the Right Damp Proof Paint

Selecting the right damp proof paint is essential for effective protection. While choosing a damp proof paint for your home, you should consider factors such as the surface type, the specific conditions of your home, and the specifications mentioned by the paint’s manufacturer. Check out the range of high-quality damp proof paints offered by Nippon, which are suitable for various surfaces.

Step 3: Priming the Surface

 In some cases, priming the surface before applying damp proof paint is necessary. Primers help improve the adhesion and effectiveness of the damp proof paint. Check the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended primer and application process. Apply the primer evenly and allow it to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step 4: Applying Damp Proof Paint

To apply damp proof paint on walls and roofs, follow these steps carefully:



  1. Start by stirring the damp proof paint thoroughly to ensure proper consistency.
  2. Use a high-quality paintbrush or roller to apply the paint. Begin from the top of the surface and work your way down.
  3. Apply an even and generous coat of damp proof paint, ensuring complete coverage.
  4. For larger areas, consider using a roller for faster and more efficient application.
  5. Pay attention to corners, edges, and hard-to-reach areas to ensure they are adequately coated.
  6. Allow the first coat to dry completely as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  7. Apply a second coat for added protection and durability, following the same process as the first coat.
  8. Clean your painting tools promptly after use, as damp-proof paint can be challenging to remove once dried.

Step 5: Curing and Maintenance

 After applying damp proof paint, allow sufficient time for the paint to cure and dry completely. Each paint might have a different time for curing, so make sure you read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Once cured, your walls and roofs will be protected against dampness, moisture, and potential damage. Regularly inspect the painted surfaces for any signs of wear or damage and perform necessary touch-ups as needed to maintain the paint’s effectiveness.

By following the proper steps and using high-quality damp proof paint like Nippon’s range of products, you can effectively protect your walls and roofs from moisture damage. Remember to prepare the surface adequately, choose the right damp proof paint, prime if necessary, and apply the paint evenly. With these guidelines, you can achieve a moisture-resistant surface and enjoy the long-lasting benefits of damp proof paint.

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