Lets make it interesting, shall we? Why stick to boring old swatches and colour theories to paint your home with when you have a whole lot of inspiration sitting ideally right next to you? From your clothes to the food you eat, every little part of your life can be translated into design. With the wide range of wall paint colours available in todays time, you have no restriction when it comes to representing who you are in every aspect of your life. Why dont we look at a few examples of dessert inspired paints and designs to adorn your abodes?! 

Colours For Your Home Inspired By Your Favourite Desserts

Chocolaty Browns

Hot Chocolate? Why, yes! Its everyones dream to sip on a warm, velvety cup of hot chocolate in a small French cafe overlooking the calm yet buzzing street. What if I told you this feeling could be replicated within the confines of your own home. A brown wall may seem abrupt at first but the warmth and coziness it provides is something that cannot be matched.  A rich, dark shade of chocolate Sable Brown (NP N 1876 A) paired with adjourning Stairstep (NP N 1868 T) Tan walls and simple cane furniture is nothing but exuberant with a wash of calmness and ease.   

White Spectacle

Kheer! Now thats a dessert that has everyones heart. Irrespective of where youre from, the sweet in itself is beloved as well as aesthetic – even just as it is. It is one of multiple elements. Starting from the velvety smoothness of its Light Wings (NP OW 1005 P) white milky liquid which can be directly translated into the walls, it also has crunchy toasted elements which can be brought into perspective by applying a coat of splattered Caramel Twist (NP AC 2139 A) brown over the white painted brick facade. Match your furnishings and components with the existing wall paints colours and you are now in the house of kheer.

Mellow Yellows

Ladoos are the gold of Indian sweets. They scream culture and tradition. Imagine getting the essence of ladoos into your homes. Wouldnt that be a dream come true? Well, its not as complicated. First the colour – an accent or a patch of Jumping Jack (NP YO 1163 D) yellow from Nippon, one of the best wall paint colours. Add alongside it a few botanical and antiques and if you wish, add to it a texture coat of sand swirl to make your walls pop further. Another suggestion would be to pair your walls with wood and cane furniture to promote the vibe to the maximum.  

Colour Magic

Love macrons and colours? We got you! But before we go ahead, colours are not the only defining factor. You can also add character to your house using textures and patterns. Paint your walls with a mix of Renoir’s Touch (NP PB 1423 T) purple, Sun’s Enchantment (NP YO 1182 T) orange, or any colour you desire, and add to it a sprinkle of pizzaz with light orange peel texture and Ollie Gold (NP AC 2131 A) – just like how it is with your favourite macros! 

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