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Puja Room Inspirations

Puja room is the necessary part of every home. It’s a very sacred part of the house which induces positive vibes all over the place. It is believed that a well maintained puja room could flourish good health, prosperity and happiness to the occupants of the house. In accordance with the Vastu Shastra, north, east or the north-east directions are the ideal place for the puja room in the house. It is advised that puja room should not be constructed near the kitchen, washroom or in any other direction. However, the look, feel and aura of the entire puja room is determined by the combination of colours used. Here are the few colour combination inspirations exclusively for you.

In the above shown puja room, the coloring of the room includes some rustic red to induce the brick-themed décor. White and red are the only colours included in the colour palette with some wooden artifacts. As a result, the look and vibe of the room is made homely, divine.

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In this pooja room space, the splash of vibrant colours makes it look serene and inviting. The God Ganesha idol is placed in a well-illuminated spot. The colour of the puja room is kept simple and contrasting. This colour combination makes the puja room an ideal place for meditation and praying.

This minimally coloured puja room provides a good calm feel and also induces you to meditate, chant or pray wholeheartedly. The idols of the deities are positioned before a beautiful pedestal background. This white painted wood pedestal background design would give a feeling of ecstasy. And also, the minimal use of red colour in the rug and curtain would provide the necessary contrast required for this puja room.

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