Things To Consider Before Choosing Exterior Wall Paint

Though a vital part of building a home, exterior wall paints are often not taken into consideration. Along with the buzz of adorning the interiors with pretty collectibles and exciting designs, the outer portion is habitually forgotten about. Contrary to popular belief, the exterior of your home plays a significant role in not only how your tidiness is perceived from the outside, but also in your health and hygiene. Here to guide you towards making the right choice is a simple set of criteria to adhere to at all times.

Proofing Solutions

First and foremost, always make sure the paint you choose is both water and dust-resistant. With waterproofing paints having become a common phenomenon, it is now more important than ever to choose the right waterproofing exterior emulsion; especially in India where protecting your homes from pollution and heavy monsoons is of supreme importance. To help you with your water damage, mould, and dust issues is Nippon Paint Wetherbond, the one solution to all your exterior paint affairs. Why think twice when you have a 360 degree protection solution at your fingertips!

Quality and Durability

Once your waterproofing paints are in place, make sure to check up on the quality and durability of it as well. While aesthetics and appeal do play a major role, how your house looks years from now is as important as any other. As painting is an investment like every other major decision you make, make sure to go through all the factors attached to it before pinning down on one.


After finalising on your quality waterproofing paints, it is time to break down the colour wheel with respect to your aesthetics. While choosing your desired shade, never forget to correlate it to the colour of the roof. As it takes up a large portion of the elevation’s visible surface, a colour that does not compliment it could ruin your whole look. Another suggestion would be to go for mellow, soothing hues on the lighter side of the scale. Dark bold colours, though great for interiors, painted on large facades could be extremely overwhelming and unattractive

Textures and Finishes

Got your colour? But why leave it at that when you can play a bit more with the textures and finishes of the wall itself. From simple scoring to interesting sponge patterns, anything is possible in today’s time. Classy marble finishes, retro brickwork, multi-material fusion? Let your imagination run free and your home stand out.


VOC or Volatile Organic Compounds are chemicals present in paints that are harmful to you as well as the environment. The lesser the VOC the better. Keeping the current pandemic in mind, anti-fungal and antibacterial paints would be the best options to go for as they are both low risk and protect you from the growth of mildew and fungi. With paints now having odourless properties and pollution free qualities, these are always the paints to go for to ensure maximum safety and security.


One final thing to consider would be the resin content of the paint at hand. A high resin content naturally means that the paint is of the best quality. It helps provide elasticity and flexibility while also being a good adhesive. This film painted as a final layer not only assists in creating a finished look to your facades, but also increases the lifespan of the paint, making it further durable and resistant.