How To Make Boring Walls Look Creative With Texture Painting

There was a time when exposed bricks on the walls were trendy. With constant change in trends, walls and wall paints have come a long way. Texture painting has attracted many users, young and old alike. Wallpapers proving to be difficult to maintain, texture painting gives a similar feel with a wider range of options and techniques.

Techniques like sponging, stippling, combing, etc., are used to achieve the visual effects. Water-based paints are used and texture painting can elevate the look of a normal wall by multi fold.

Texture paints do not come off easily, and can be considered a long-term investment. When done by professionals, the visual effects are pleasing and perfectly achieved. Plain walls usually carry monotones and are hardly experimented with. Texture painting lets your creative ideas flow and perfectly executed by professionals.

Choose the right technique

Different techniques offer different finishes and final look on the walls. Depending on the aesthetic sense you want to carry through the walls, different techniques and finishes can be chosen.

Use contrasting colours

Contrasting shades like Alpha Red (NP AC 2072 A) and Deep Marigolds (NP AC 2054 A), Founder Blue (NP PB 1527 D) and Velvet touch (NP OW 1051 P), etc., bring out the beauty of each colour used and not overpower the room with blaring vibes. Almost all the rooms carry one textured wall with contrasting walls on the other sides. This wall has to be the highlight of the room, and the colour combinations have to be wisely chosen.

However, if you do not like mixing colours, there are some finishes that can play around with different shades of the same colour. Thus, the choice of colours depends on the chosen technique of texture design for wall painting.

Matte finish

Contrasting shades like Alpha Red (NP AC 2072 A) and Deep Marigolds (NP AC 2054 A), Founder Blue (NP PB 1527 D) and Velvet touch (NP OW 1051 P), etc., bring out the beauty of each colour used and not overpower the room with blaring vibes. Almost all the rooms carry one textured wall with contrasting walls on the other sides. This wall has to be the highlight of the room, and the colour combinations have to be wisely chosen.

Wave texture

Wave texture can be unique and can use different shades of the same colour to the walls. If you are confused about different colour combinations and would like to stick to just one colour, this is the finish to go for. White is the most popular wall texture paint for this look.

Brick wall texture

Another technique of wall texture paint that requires only one choice of colour is brick wall texture. The pattern can be played around with, as it need not be the typically arranged brick wall all the time. One of the popular texture wall paint patterns in brick wall is the zig zag pattern. Light shades like white and grey are preferred for this texture wall paint.

Texture wall paints are used in almost every room in the house. In comparison with wallpapers, texture design for wall painting has better advantages as they withstand for long periods of time. They add character to the walls giving shadows, depth and structure to them.

Nippon Paint India has experts to guide you on which texture painting to choose for your household, and reach out to them for the right consultation.

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